Moving onto the two remaining problem areas from yesterday’s post; the back yard and the right side yard.
The problem with the backyard; there is nothing there except for a lone tree at the end of the property and of course the flower bed I talked about yesterday (not seen in the pic below).
We have the egress window for the basement bedroom on the far left, the basement walk up, and the deck stairs. The area under the deck is overgrown with weeds. We are definitely going to clean that up , lay down landscape fabric, and mulch the whole area.
Taking a leaf from our landscape consultant’s book and based on our conversations I came up with the following plan.
In hindsight I should have made the text a little bit bigger. Anyways you get the idea, two veggie beds on the left side, the mulched stepping stone path from the left side yard (in this pic on the right) extending all the way to this side of the house, and some hydrangeas (one my favorite flowers) below the deck.
Problema Numero Quatro – The right side yard.
There is an overgrown gladioli patch behind the holly, which will be taken out. Barbara had recommended roses here as this area is in the sun for most of the day. We are going to mirror her plan on the left side but with roses instead of the hostas. To add some interest the bed will have both knock out and driftcarpet roses. Hopefully something like this;
Ideally would like to add some height to the middle area, next to the window. I just learned that we can grow oleander here. So may be behind the carpet roses (they stay pretty low) I can plop in the oleander? I think it looks too flat as it is. 🙁 What do you guys think?
By the way forgot to mention yesterday, our landscaping consultant had suggested tall grasses around the green electrical box (just to remind you here is the pic) out front. B doesn’t even think that is necessary (remember he doesn’t notice that thing!!). So let’s vote, Yay or Nay on hiding the giant monstrosity aka. the electrical box behind grasses?
Your plans look great. I’m excited to see what you do. I’m now following via Linky followers.
Thanks Megan. Still trying to figure out the Linky thing.
Hey Vidya,
Loved the plan….I and R were also planning something like this. Keep going…
Thanks Shruthi. Good Luck with yours. Keep me posted.
Yay for having the tall grasses around the electric box!
We do have an electric box in the front yard but was already surrounded by some evergreens when we moved in. But I can totally imagine my DH saying that he didn’t notice the “giant monstrosity” at all!! All men are so alike..LOL.
I LOVE your writing and home decoration ideas. I came across this blog during facebook hopping and what a treasure full of ideas and DIY projects! You are awesome. Loved the stencil work in your dining room. The container water garden project. Keep it up.
Ha..ha…Lucky you, your green eyesore is all covered up. We’ll have to start working on it may be next yr. Thanks a ton for all your encouraging comments. Looking forward to see you more around here.
How did you cover up the transformer box? Pictures?
Haven’t covered it up yet. Still out in the open glaring at everyone passing down the street! Some of the folks in the neighborhood have covered theirs though. Will try to take pics once the plant cover is back up in spring. Do you have the same issue too?