Just a reminder: The $50 Curly Q Wall Decals Giveaway is open till 1/31/12. You can enter here.
As promised, the run down on all the goodies from India.
The two wood statues of the Hindu Gods, Ganesha and Karthikeya, joined our collection in the downstairs hallway.
B had gotten the other three the last time he went to India. I know this is the first time I’m showing the hallway on the blog. Will do a detailed before and after post later but you can see how long the wall is in the next pic. There is definitely more room to add to the collection.
Our most loved find and the one that get used literally everyday is the vintage mancala or pallanguzhi board. When we bought it I had no clue about what it was other than an old game that used to be played in parts of India. When we came home, much to our astonishment the kids jumped at its sight screaming, “Did you get the mancala board for us to play?” We were like, “Is that what it is called? How do you guys know about it?” It seems they play it at their after school program. So now the board graces our family room coffee table. The red seeds are borrowed from my stash of manjadikuru or the jumbie beads that I had shown you here.
My favorite find? The antique block prints. There is even a paisley one! 🙂
I wanted to get literally every block print at the store but sadly B kept the count down to 5. 🙁 The bowl filled with them sits on the vintage crate in our foyer next to the Buddha.
The other antiques from the trip, the brass holy water spoon, the bird kumkum (vermilion) holder, and the bull head hook have set up home on the side table in the living room.
Here is a close up of the trio;
Then there is this candle holder that looks like a unopened bud with a tortoise base. Once you unscrew the bud (by rotating in anti clockwise direction) it opens up like a flower revealing a candle holder! Isn’t cool?
My amma (mom) gifted me a small Ganesha made of 9 grains that are used in traditional rituals.
I’m liking him on the floating shelves in the family room for now but I’m sure he’ll soon be travelling around the house like everything else.
The mask from Venice was left on the fireplace till I can think of a better place for it.
Can you spot the sticker fairy’s antics on the fireplace? My 7 yr old gal can’t seem to get over her love of stickers. Do you also face the sticker onslaught in your home? Please do tell me that it is a phase and she will out grow it soon!
The one thing that hasn’t found a home yet is the traditional pickle jar from the first pic. Can’t wait for spring to fill it up with some pretty flowers.
Speaking of flowers, the ‘Simple Florals’ series is back tomorrow. See ya.
Beautiful finds Vidhya.. Loved them!
I am behind on visits lately, so Hi! Love to pieces all your finds. The wall looks good even though there is more room. Everything you brought home is so interesting. I was cracking up at the kids knowing about the game you brought home.
Thank U. Glad you dropped by Sue.
Great post! The mancala board with the red beads! Makes me nostalgic for my childhood. I almost picked up the lotus candle holder. Totally regretting that now. I shopped at Chor Bazaar in Bombay- with stores just like this.
Aww… the lotus candle holder was the last one at the store. The lady in front of me took the other 2 out of the 3 they had left! Don’t know when I’ll get a chance to Bombay next but have bookmarked the place.