Last week y’all got a glimpse of our backyard garden in Spring, now it is the turn of the front yard via the Spring Garden Tour 2020 version. Just want to give you a headsup not to expect the usual color or vigor. This Spring has been so weird, with up and downs in temps that my plants are confused. My peonies, coreposis, and roses are all slow. So there is hardly any of the lovely color combinations that you see usually.

Starting off with our front door planters and a new DIY project, the Hello sign (tutorial coming soon). Remember the wreath? If you are impatient and want to get to the tour soon, here’s the video but as usual there are loads of pics in the post. So keep scrolling. 😛
By now, you all know my troubles with this pretty flower, the ever prevasive and invasive Mexican primerose. I had literally pulled every one of those buggers out last year and yet they are here, all innocent looking!

All these years I have been able to get away without peony cages but this year they flopped the second day after a small rain!

As you can see, it is just pink and purple for now. Even the alliums were almost out by the time the peonies opened.

The only on time bloomer was the perennial salvia. She is so reliable and never fails to attarct all the bees in the area.

The bunnies spared my speedwell this year but unlike her children in the back she didn’t perform well. I’m guessing due to lack of sunlight as she was hidden under the lilac.

The second set of Mexican primeroses.

I pruned all the roses in February and they went crazy. So the yard looks so overgrown. As of now, only the front step planters look prim and proper. I tried to add red (my favorite color) where ever I could in them. And yes, my mums are blooming! Didn’t I tell you the plants are confused?

The white perennial salvia that I added last year made a slow comeback. I’m hoping that next year being the third year, she’ll take off.

Almost forgot to show you my new David Austin rose, Tranquility. With all my Rose rosette disease issues, why in the world would I add another rose, God alone knows! But her she is. Isn’t she pretty? She is in a pot for now. Keeping my fingers crossed.

And that wraps up our front yard Spring garden tour. I didn’t take any photos of the knockout rose hedge or whatever is remaining of it. If you want to see how it looks now, it is in the video. I went to check on them today and discovered that another of those roses has succumbed to the RRV.

To tell you the truth, this is the last nail in the coffin for that hedge and roses for me. I’m giving up on the idea of growing beautiful roses. There, I said it!

How is your garden doing?
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