For the last post of the year let’s try to find some DIY ready stuff on Craigslist. In Herndon Va, a three bulb chandelier was listed for $35 OBO. It includes a chain and cover plate for hanging. Some white paint and it would be ready for a girl’s room or a closet.
In New York City, this desk lamp was listed for $40. As it looks pretty dated I think there maybe some room for negotiation. To bring it up to date you could spray paint the base black or red or any other bright color and add a white drum shade.
In Chicago, you could buy 3 large paintings (56 x 33, 40 x 30, and 40 x 32) for $15 each. If you don’t care for the paintings you could paint over the canvas or reuse the frames.
In Modesto an end table that needs some paint love was up for grabs for $50.
If you are in the mood for a chair makeover you could try negotiating on this accent chair. The San Antonio seller is asking for $75 for it. By the looks of it this is going to be easier than my chair makeover. 🙂
What do you think? Are you up for some DIY?
cute feature… I think 40 dollars is a bit steep for the lamp, but I would make the drive for that end table!
thank Palak. Ya, $40 is more than my comfort zone. The beauty of Craigslist it that there is always room for negotiation unless an until they specifically say no.
They are all good finds. I want the bulb chandelier, the end table, and the chair. Your chair makeover was stunning!
Yup, If given a chance and if had more time I too would have wanted those three. 🙂
This was an awesome post – I loved the ideas about how to transform something – like that palm tree lamp!
Thank you Neena.