Remember these drift roses in our front garden? As you might have already guessed from the rose rosette virus post, we had to remove this pretty drift rose hedge. We have been really loving the profusion of white along the walkway and wanted to keep it that way. So decided on replacing these with Bobo Hydrangeas.
Hopefully they will fill in the space and give us the same effect as the roses.

The Bobo hydrangea is a dwarf panicle hydrangea with large white conical shaped blooms and can take full to part sun. Since our front yard is west facing they are perfect, especially since our other panicle hydrangea, the Strawberry Vanilla, is doing great in the front.

The Bobo is hardy from zones 3A to 8A and grows up to 3ft in height and 4ft in spread at maturity. I got these 2 plants from Home Depot online, 3 weeks apart.

The first one, above, I ordered in late March and was shipped in dormancy. After keeping the package in the garage for 3 days I repotted the plant and kept indoors till it got over the transplant shock. I guess, that really helped in accelerating the growth of this guy. I planted these in ground in early May and look how big they have become. They are even putting out buds!

Even the one on the right, which had a main branch broken while shipping, has buds on the good branch. But look at the size difference between the 2. My guess is that the healthy plants get shipped out first and as stock runs low, the smaller plants get shipped out.

Even the Happy Jack Clematis, which was a teeny tiny root seems to be happy in its new home. Can’t wait for the bud to bloom. Again this is 6 weeks after I planted them in the video.

Even though I’m happy with the progress the Bobo hydrangeas and clematis have made whenever I see the drift rose on the other side I miss the roses in this spot.

As they say everything happens for good. After losing so many roses back to back lately, I’ve been telling myself that when you lose a plant, it is a great opportunity to plant a new to me plant. Have you lost plants in your garden? How do you deal with them?
Are the roses drift roses or white carpet roses? In this post you call them drift roses but I watched your video and you call them carpet roses. I would like to plant some and would like to know. Thanks!
This one is the white drift rose. I think drift rose is a patented brand name of a type of carpet rose.
Where can you buy Drift rises? Seems difficult to find.
Home Depot many years back. I have seen these at Lowes as well.