My post yesterday at Tickled by Inspirations got me thinking; I don’t share much about me or my family around here. The latter is on purpose ‘coz I’m just not comfortable exposing my kids or B for whatever reasons. You see, I’m a very pretty reserved person. Might not come across like that out here but unless someone else’s wavelength matches mine I find it difficult to keep conversing. Sometimes the wavelength matching can happen within minutes of meeting or sometimes takes quite a few meetings. 🙂 In the first case, I undergo a sudden metamorphosis into a ultra talkative person. Seriously, folks who have seen me do that won’t even believe that 40% of the time it is Scenario B. Got to admit that there has been considerable improvement on this front over the years (like bringing the split down from a 10/90 to 60/40) , especially the last 13 years. Yup, B’s super self confidence and self assurance has definitely rubbed on me. Another big factor was going to graduate school in the US. Go Scarlet Knights!
I feel that my innate reservedness has come across on the blog too at times. Except for these posts (here, here, and here) where I’ve shared some personal issues I’ve been quiet about my personal side. No, I’m not ready to share our daily lives out here yet. Nor do I know if I ever will be or that you guys are even interested. Blogging itself has been  a huge step for someone who used to recoil when the spotlight was on her even though she enjoyed the attention. Frankly, when I started blogging I was not sure how long I would be able to handle the attention. I went from trying to avoid attention by working backstage (yes I was always the backstage helper rather than the performer, even when I used to perform it was ‘coz the teachers had told me to) to this person who screams/yells out at the whole world “LOOK AT ME & MY BLOG”! Talk about a 180°!
Anyways, for the last 20 months I’ve been writing/posting about the stuff that we’ve been doing around the house in the hopes that it is what you all like to read. But is that really the case? You guys tell me.
What do you like to see here? How often do you visit? How do you get here? What do you come here for? Instead of typing the responses in the comments I was hoping that a poll type format would be easier. What do you say?
I do know that many of you visit this lil corner of mine everyday and I’m extremely grateful for your support. As always love you guys. Even if you do not actively comment on the blog please do take the time to fill out this survey. Your feedback will help me gauge what my readers like and how you all feel about what I post here. If indeed y’all feel that it is crap then maybe some immediate cleaning session is warranted. Ready to help me out?
Thanks a lot to each and everyone of you who participated. You’ve all just contributed your lil bit to make this blog better. Tomorrow I’ll be back with some quirky facts about me.
Hi I m deepika from hubli, karnataka. I visit your blog everyday and I love everything you share. Keep going. I got hooked to decor blogs afrer my cousin showed me rang decor after that I have visited almost evry decor blogs based on Indian decor ideas. Thankyou
That is really sweet of you Deepika. Thank U SO MUCH!
I hope you’ll share some of the results with us. As a fellow blogger, I’m curious to know! I’ve sorta battled with making my blog more personal, too. Most of my favorite blogs are fairly personal but it’s just not my style. I think at the end of the day, lots of readers appreciate authentic bloggers we have to stay true to ourselves. I understand wanting to give readers more of what they want though–it’s a balancing act!
Yup definitely gonna share.