I’ve been on the fence about whether to write about this or not. No, before you jump to conclusions no I’m not done blogging. It is more of a feeling that I’ve developed along the way, you know that nagging thought that pops up in the back of your head when you publish 5 times a week religiously. So what’s with all this beating around the bush?
To put it plainly, I think my writing sucks off late! You know, posts riddled with the same set of words (here’s, love, seriously just to mention a few). There, I just admitted it!
I’ve been trying to shove this under the rug reasoning with myself that there are in fact a multitude of reasons on why this slide happened. For starters, the last few months (ever since Feb) I’ve been extremely busy on the weekends with hardly enough time to manage doing a project here and there let alone write up posts in advance. To top it off since Mar I’ve been battling pretty bad seasonal allergies (with May & June being severe, I hate you grass!). So more often than not I’m living in an allergy med induced trance. I mean just imagine spring is almost over and I haven’t even gone out for a walk! The other day I came back from work and went straight to bed rather than staying outdoors enjoying the beautiful weather!
Anyways, the point is my stash of pre-written posts have dried up (remember how I mentioned that these are a huge help earlier) and I’m now resorting to slumping down on the couch at 10 pm every night exhausted from……well life, taking an hour to figure out which pics to use out of the 50 or so I’ve taken of each project and editing them, and writing the post around midnight with the bare minimum of words I need to get the point across. No wonder the quality of my writing has gone down hill! Which brings me to why I wrote this post in the first place. I was feeling super guilty of letting you, more importantly myself down (no I don’t claim to be a great writer) and had to own up. That’s all! Now that I’ve taken this off my chest I feel 10 lbs lighter.
I totally believe that,
Today, I’m sitting here and bleeding and I promise to bleed everyday going forward. I owe it to me, I owe it to you. I know there are a few of “you” around here even though I don’t see any activity on the blog (stats can’t lie all the time, or do they?).
Hooray, I managed to write an almost 500 words long post without a “here’s”! 🙂 That’s all my venting for today! See ya Monday! Have a great weekend!
I really enjoy reading your blog! I hope the allergies get better. I’m totally sick with them right now, so I feel your pain. 🙁
Keep up the great work!
Thanks a ton Tiffany! Hope you feel better too.
My son had the worst allergy ever and we were all miserable so I get you 🙂 my 2 cents…do not be so hard on your self 🙂 obviously its a commitment to the readers but it should not feel like a chores.
hey Vidya, what you are doing (5 posts a week !) is no easy job girl. So don’t be so hard on yourself. I experience this more than often and yes, it’s like you make a commitment to yourself and want to meet it no matter anyone really asks or not ! So kudos to you 🙂 Keep up your fantastic work and most importantly, continue to enjoy what you do. That is what finally matters isn’t it 🙂
Wish you a speedy recovery and enjoy the best of the coming season 🙂
Aww… I totally get you girl! Lately I’ve been so exhausted; I can’t finish everything on my plate. I hope you feel better soon!