Thought I would do a quickie update on rest of the yard. Nothing major, just happy to see most of the plants sprouting back to life.
In the side yard the knockout roses and black eyed susans are back in business.
But I think I may have lost the crepe myrtle. Not sure, I’m giving it some more weeks before I dig up the nursery tag to verify the plant guarantee. The other crepe myrtles around the house already have fresh new leaves.
The hydrangeas under the back are coming back to life while the Encore azelaes in the side yard bed look as sick as ever.
The one up close is actually blooming but that is how they look till June. Strange isn’t it? They start sprouting new leaves late May and bloom like crazy in late July and September!
The big planter on the deck too is full of life. I just added a few annuals for some color.
More good news in the form of the dinner plate hibiscus. There are new shoots on the bottom! Yay!
But we also have our first causality this year! 🙁 Any guesses as to what it is? While you mull it over look who has been visiting us?
That’s the mama robin busy hatching her eggs!
Ok, now back to my causality. It is my beloved water lily! Looks like after 2yrs I might have to get a new one. I’m giving it a few more weeks to see if any new growth appears. If not then it is time for goodbyes. Were you lucky this year gardenwise? Have you lost a favorite plant?
Hey Vidya — I am (shocked) so happy to see the robin back in her nest. I was sure it was going to be your first DIY casualty. Glad I was wrong!
🙂 Ya, we too are super glad that it worked out fine. Both the daddy and mommy robins stay pretty close to the nest all the time.
Hey Vids, you have a lovely garden!! Like the changes on the blog – looks great!
Hi Smitha,
Thank You! Glad to see you here again. 🙂 How have you been?