The mid summer garden tour of the front garden is here. Even though it is a month late, I hope these gorgeous Stargazer lilies, who are always the stars in my July Garden, will make up for it.
And of course who can forget my black eyed susans? This year though strangely they have bloomed a month earlier.

The builder given day lilies are putting on a great show this year. I divided these guys in the Spring of 2018 but they took almost 2 years to recover from the division.

As you can see there is a profusion of yellow thanks to the black eyed susans that have self seeded over the years.

The annuals like the star rose petunias and zinnias have also picked up steam with the July heat.

Another new addition this year in my mid summer garden is this yellow annual flower, unfortunately don’t know its name. My mom used to grow this in her garden in Kerala when we were young.

Here’s the view of my summer front porch. I’m yet to update the spring wreath. 😛

Leaving you with a close up shot of my oriental lilies. Hope you like my mid summer garden tour video? How is your garden doing?

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