As promised here’s the first part of the July Garden tour. As usual starting with the backyard cottage garden.
I haven’t been diligent about taking pics ever since I started making the video tours, so I’m sorry I don’t have pics of all of the flowers shown in the video. This was the view of the main perennial bed from my favorite spot, the bench.

Remember the bird cage and delphinium vignette from June? Well we have a new cone flower and bird cage view now.

However the stars of my July garden are the gladioli. This one was supposedly My Love. However ended up being totally different. Any idea what this specific variety of gladioli is called?

Here’s one called Valencia.

And a bouquet of a few others.

As you can see in the July garden tour video, the day lilies were in full form as well.

Closely followed by liatris or gay feather.

I just love how they play the perfect fiddle to all the other flashier blooms.

The pink mini rose, a Mother’s day clearance find from Lowes, seems to be enjoying it’s planter.

Of course, how can I forget my neighbor’s crepe myrtle that pops over the fence line?

The perennial phlox roots from Costco that I planted in the Spring of 2017 finally decided to bloom!

Out of the annuals, my favorite has been this Old Mexico Zinnias that I winter sowed from seed.

Did I mention we have loads of cone flowers? 🙂

The bird bath is surrounded by a lot more color this Summer.

How is your summer garden doing? Hope you like the July garden tour video. Leaving you with another shot of my mystery gladiolus.

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