Hola! Long time no see. I know I haven’t even dropped in to wish you all a happy new year. So far 2018 has been good to me. I have been busy in a good way, having taken on additional responsibilities at my day job, which I’m loving but that also means that by the time I come home I’m exhausted and am in no mood to write. Weekends are left playing catch up with the chores and kids’ activities, which unfortunately doesn’t leave much time for projects. That said we have a pretty big one that we have been working on since Fall. This deck as you see it (by the way this is a pretty old pic) is gone..boom…gone!

In its place is a fabulous screened in porch and a smaller deck. We are waiting for warmer weather to finish up some of the DIY projects that we have lined up for the space. Can’t wait to show it to you guys.
In other news, yours truly celebrated a milestone birthday, the big 4.0 last week.

A group of my closest friends threw me a surprise birthday party. B and the kids were in on the surprise and did an exceptional job at keeping their mouths shut!

The cake was from the same baker who made the amazing peacock cake for my friend’s 40th peacock themed party, Prema’s Fantasy Cakes.

And it depicted everything I loved, Whats Ur Home Story of course, gardening, Ferraro rocher chocolates, Shakespeare, and even dumbbells (fitness!!!). 🙂 Can you spot the complete works of Shakespeare? Read about my visit to Shakespeare’s birth place here.

B & I at the photo booth. One of the friends DIY’d this photo booth prop frame.

Another DIY’d this glitter word art.

More of the decor.

And with my surprise party planners, my peeps.

I knew they were up to something but had no clue that they’d pull it off on the day that they did. They pulled off the surprise at my own house, in my basement when we had gone out for lunch!

As they say the grayer your hairs get, the wrinklier your face becomes, the creakier your bones sound the more you appreciate the people around you, the more you value those that are there for you every step of the way for no other reason than just because they want to be there.. I’m forever grateful for these special people in my life.
I’m also thankful for all you wonderful people who have been following this space over the years, even the last few years when I haven’t been able to keep up the regular space. You, the time you spend here, the comments you write are truly inspirational and what keeps the blogger spirit in me alive. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
That’s wonderfully. Happy New year andbelated happy birthday.
Thank you Pratheeba! Happy New Year to you too!
Happy big 4-0 dear V. It looks like a perfect celebration you had. Good to see you back!
Thanks a lot Pinkz. It was a great party.
Happy Belated Birthday!
Thank you Carol!
Happy birthday. You look wonderful!
Thanks Roberta!
what an awesome surprise! can’t wait to see the deck and porch! you look beautiful- happy 40th! mine is quickly approaching as well…. august!
Belated 40th happy birthday! Glad you wrote about the celebration and the cake looks yummmy 🙂