Happy February everyone! Can’t believe the first month of the year went by so fast! How are your projects coming along? I’ve been teasing you with updates on social media about this room that we’ve been working on for some time now. So I thought why not share my my daughter’s vision for her room. If you remember the last time we decorated her room was almost 5 years ago when she was all about princesses. Now as an almost tween (9 yrs) I’m living with a totally different person. I once read somewhere that living with an 8 yr old girl is like living with 8 different personalities. Couldn’t agree more! One moment she is my BFF my shopping buddy, next she is the defiant teen, while in another moment she is the adorable sweet talking baby she was oh so 5 years ago, and then the next a constantly texting tween (that seems to be the latest Facetime-ing and texting her friends on her Ipod)! One thing though she is very clear on what she wants for her room, Black and White. Her ideal room was to be painted all Black, a plan that both B and I voted out. The room we are talking about is literally 10 x 10 ft so Black paint on the walls would have made it a cave. Her plan B was White with Black accents. A quick mental check, which revealed that we already had a Twin Black and White duvet, later I was on board with the condition that we’d use the duvet that we already had. She actually likes the duvet, a lot. So the problem was solved.
This is what we are going after, an eclectic girls room.
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Can you believe she was the one who picked out that sailor’s mirror? I was leaning more towards an ornate mirror but when we were at Michaels she stopped by the mirror and said “Amma, this would look perfect in my room”. I was like, “Oh, yes that is so cute” while murmuring, “Why didn’t I think of it!” Got to admit I totally pulled a tactfully manipulative mommy on her with the ghost chair. 🙂 I’ve been dying to use one somewhere and her room was screaming for one. She had her mind set on an office chair with wheels so she cold roll around the room. But ever since I showed her pics of ghost chairs styled with sheep skin rugs online she seems to be coming around. We still have to get the big guy on board. Let us see.
Our chandelier, a find from one of the FB yard sale groups is already hung thanks to my dad. The desk, we found an ok one on Craigslist. Needs some love but nothing we can’t fix with some paint. For the gallery wall we are planning to use the frames I found at Goodwill in 2012 and Sweet Clover during the HomeTalk Halloween Hustle last year. The Marquee lights, I’m planning to DIY. I’ve been pinning tutorials on Pinterest, not sure how that is going to go. Please do wish me luck.
Some other projects in the works for the room are her side table and storage cubby makeover, Elfa shelves in the closet, a DIY jewelry holder, and a quick and fun update to the curtains. Did I mention a total change of layout from what she currently has? Are you excited for all the changes? We sure are. Do you have any room makeovers planned this year? What room are you planning to decorate?
Update: Here’s the finished eclectic girls room.
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love this plan- so grown up!
Yes, that is what I thought too when she showed me the pieces.