You might have noticed this DIY Hello sign in the June front garden post, I finally got around to editing the video and pics for this easy DIY front door sign tutorial. And when I say easy I mean it. I made it using a piece of barn wood that I had lying around, a leftover piece from one of my friend’s bar project.
I just played around on canva to find the font I liked for the hello and printed it to fit the size of my printer paper. You can print the HELLO letters here to use.

And made the stencil by cutting the letters out with an exacto knife. As you can see in the video the painting is so easy that even kids can do it. The beauty of this easy DIY front door sign is that it is very forgiving. Since the whole look is of chippy paint and weathered board any painting mistakes add to the character of this Hello sign.
If you are starting with a blank piece of wood (you can get it cut at Lowes or Home Depot to the size you want) you can paint the base color to suit your decor. In my case the wood was already painted red, which incidentally matched my front door, which got a paint job a few years back.

The best part is that you can customize it to any words that you like by printing the corresponding letters. No need to buy a stencil. Here’s another example of a similar project, a JOY sign that I made a few years back.
Do you like front door signs for your porch or prefer to keep your porch decor simple?
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