In the excitement of showing you all what’s blooming in my flower gardens I completely forgot about sharing my veggie garden progress. Many of you know how I started veggie gardening after we built the raised beds. Now with 3 beds and numerous height restrictions mandated by the HOA we still manage to grow a good amount of veggies. So without much ado, my June harvest in Zone 6 vegetable garden.
This year thanks to the cabbage tunnel we have had a good amount of greens, almost a daily supply of Kale and Chard. Here’s Swiss chard going straight to the cooking pan one day.

This year’s carrot harvest though was sub par not measuring up to what I had a few years back.

However the garlic surely made up for it. This is the third batch that I harvested. One of the easiest veggies to grow as I mentioned in my how to start a vegetable garden video.

In my garden Swiss chard, Kale, and Beans are the gifts that continue to keep on giving this year. Nothing beats the taste of home grown veggies.

How is your vegetable garden growing? If you liked the video don’t forget to subscribe to my youtube channel.

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