Looks like I’m making this a practice lately, posting the garden tour a good 2 months late. As usual I had the edited video ready but took forever to do the English voiceover. Finally, here’s my early Fall garden tour aka September garden tour 2020. Hopefully I can compensate for the lateness with loads of pictures.
As I mentioned in the video, the star of the early Fall garden tour is the Lady Darlene dahlia. What a change in colors from the Summer!

Competing with the dahlias were the Red Sun sunflowers that you got a glimpse of in last months’ tour.

They stood majestically along the fence greeting the sun full of flowers.

The best part was the color variety of the flowers on the same plant!

The sedums also started putting on a great show attracting hoards of pollinators.

I particularly loved how gorgeous they looked against the Mission Giant Yellow marigolds.

Also in the backyard were these perennial phloxes that finally decided to bloom after a wait of 2 years.

One of the cardinal vines I started from seeds went crazy while the other had a lackluster show.

The roses also pitched in with their gracefulness, with the Lady of Shallot putting out new buds and blooms

and the pink grocery store mini rose blooming its heart out.

Out in the front, the Abelia canyon creek continued its show

while the annuals like gomphrena, zinnias, and lantanas added more color.

As soon as the last week of September kicked in we had Mums, like this new addition yellow spider mum, and

asters heralding the onset of Fall.

How did I do? Hope I made up for procrastinating on the early fall garden tour with the pretty pics?
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