Lately we’ve been grooving to the Afro Circus song from Madagascar 3. Ta Ta Ta, Da Da Da, Circus Ta Ta Ta, Da Da Da, Afro Circus Afro Circus
Now that you can’t get the song out of your head, let’s move onto the post. 🙂 All this zebra talk (including the Marty quote title) is a precursor to ta da………..
Our new faux zebra hide rug or more aptly floor cloth!
Yup, that is a totally DIY’ed rug made from a drop cloth.
As I had mentioned in the office room reveal post, the room need something more. I was leaning towards a zebra hide but there was no way we were going to use a real one both for the cost and weirdness factor of stepping on dead animal skin. Surprisingly it was not as hard as a I thought. The only tricky part was hand drawing all those lines.
Isn’t she a beauty?
Oh, I moved the crates and the antiques that we found during our antiquing trip to the corner of the room. Can’t wait to find more crates to add to it to make a shelving unit. Here is a another shot of the rug.
As you can see, I’m in love. Won’t mind if I sneak in one more shot?
Here is the detailed tutorial. What do you think?
Ta Ta Ta, Da Da Da, Circus Ta Ta Ta, Da Da Da, Afro Circus Afro Circus
can’t wait to read all about how you made it!!
Looooooove it!!!
Thank you Cristie.
Thanks Gauri. Will post it on Thursday.
I think it rocks! WOW!!~
Thank you Debbie!
My office needs one too!!! Love it. Can’t wait to see your tutorial.
Thanks Jae,
Couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw that World Market has the exact same rug. They are selling a rug that is half the size as mine for $49.99! Feels pretty good when mine cost only around $20!