You know when I was working on my daughter’s room there were so many projects that I was doing at the same time that I wanted to give up. That’s what happens when you try to tackle multiple things at once. You get overwhelmed and want to quit! Whereas if you concentrate on one project at a time there is more chance of you finishing it. The half finished campaign dresser that has been sitting in my garage for almost 2 years is a standing testimony to that statement! 😛
With the kids getting out of school and no sports or other kid activities in the weekends we will all have more time on our hands. So why not take this opportunity to knock some projects off our To Do list? You know, those projects we’ve wanted to do for like ever but never get around to doing? Let’s check that off our list this Summer. What do you all say?
Starting July 1st we’ll pick a theme for each month and work on a project that fits the theme. At the end of the month we will all share our projects to an album on the Whats Ur Home Story Facebook page. Won’t it be fun to see what everyone else has been up to?
The July theme is “Give new lease of life to something old”. It could be an old piece of furniture in your home or a thrift store or yard sale find. You don’t even have to do a complete makeover you can just repurpose something old finding new ways to use it.
For August we have “Summer DIY”. Any project that is summer related be it a container garden or a summer themed craft project will do. You could also see this as a project that you are doing in Summer. So if you have been planning a powder room or a deck makeover well go ahead and do it and share with us. Like I always say there is no small or big project. As long as it adds to your decor you are in.
In September we’ll tackle a “Kid friendly” project. You could make crayon hearts with extra crayon pieces, an inspiration art for their room, or even an oatmeal can hairband holder (that has been on my list for like 2 yrs!!!)
Ready to start brainstorming ideas and set the ball rolling on this fun challenge come July 1st? Lets’ chip away at that long To Do list together, one project at a time! What say you?
This sounds exciting! I have few projects that I am yet to start, few half way and few I gave up. Count me in.