Finally my seasonal allergies are in control which means I’m spending more time in the garden. With that comes new garden ideas and planters. As I set up my container gardens for the season I realized that I’m more of a set it up and forget about it sorta gardener. I mean, other than watering I usually do very little in terms of nurturing my container gardens. Yet they all seem to thrive. If you would like to crack the code on this easy going gardening mantra here’s a list of garden ideas for the lazy gardener in you.
Did you know that ground cover succulents are not only drought tolerant but also hardy? Unlike the other not so hardy indoor succulents these thrive on neglect. Add them to a strawberry pot and you have a stunning planter. I’ve used 2 varieties of Hens and chicks and a sedum in my planter.

If you prefer the look of indoor succulents and would rather have them indoors then here’s a different take on the same idea. This time I painted the strawberry pot to add some color and created a mini park scene on the top for some interest.

Another favorite idea of mine is the bird cage planter. You convert a bird cage into a planter by adding either miniature or small flowering plants. I finally made one for myself using Creeping jenny, Calibrachoa (Superbells Cherry Star), and Vinca.

The detailed tutorial of how to set up the bird cage planter (from the time I made it for a friend) is in this post.

My all time favorite succulent planter in the very first one I made. Again more of an indoor planter than outside but simple and pretty.

If you would like to take the traditional route with the filler, thriller, and spiller a great container garden idea is this one I made last year. After over wintering inside we are into our second successful year with this gal.

How do you set up your container gardens? Any special tips or plants that you like to use together?

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